Rimute Maciulyte, portretinė nuotrauka

Rimute Maciulyte

“I live and work in a closed environment, away from art centers. I preserve the traditions of pure art and real graphics, but I do not shy away from experimenting so that a modern spirit can be felt in the works of mine. I have a single, non-producible type of graphics”. In her works, the artist speaks about the experiences of a creator with greater ambitions, struggling in the province. “Art is my shackle,” says Rima Mačiulytė, as it binds and at the same time relaxes a person, frees him from any impotence, and prevents the formation of provincial norms of club activity. According to R. Mačiulytė, she provokes the province with her works, because she exhibits her works not only in Kaunas or Vilnius, but also in Klausučiai, Veliuona and Raudone’s cultural centers.