Violeta Gaida-Kisieliene
1974 graduated from the Lithuanian Academy of Fine Arts Since 1980 a member of the Lithuanian Artist’s Union Since 1974 actively takes part in exhibitions in Lithuania and abroad.(>100 group exhibitions, individual exhibitions : Vilnius(1992,1993,2002,2008,2013), Moscow (1993), Dillingen (1995), Columbia, New York ,Chicago, Lund, London,(1996), Paris, Ames ,Iowa (2003). Creates in sheet graphic field, mostly etching, silkscreen technique. Large format prints feature internal mood interpretations, expressive line, color stains compositional rhythm. Since 2006 has created monumental art works in interiors and exteriors of public buildings. The works are carried out in non-standart technologies and are characterized by large size, individual artistic expression, strong emotional energy and they harmoniously fill architectural spaces and environments: Druskininkai Aqua Park (3×50 m, silkscreen on glass, 2006). St. Mary‘s image-chapel panel on January 13 th memorial by Lithuanian Parlament (5×6 m, transparent silkscreen on glass, 2007) Egle+ Druskininkai basin panel (silkscreen on glass, 2009). Diplomas: 4th Tallinn Graphic Biennial (Estonia) 1st exhibition of young Artists (Lithuania) Wors at museum collections: Lithuanian Art Museum, Vilnius, Lithuania M. K. Čiurlionis Museum, Kaunas, Lithuania M. K. Čiurlionis Gallery, Chicago, USA Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia |